Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign
Thank you to our members, guests and fundriasing partners who contributed
to last year's Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign which raised $5.000.00. This financial year we have started another fundraising campaign which has currently raised $1,280.00 for this very worthwhile and important cause.
Please watch this page for any future campaign events.
All proceeds towards our fundraising campaigns go to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
My Org
Trekfa Adventure
Ku-ring-gai Bushwalkers
Benowie Bushwalkers
Acknowledgement of Risks and Obligations
In voluntarily participating in the stated event that I have elected to participate in, I am aware that my participation in this activity may expose me to risks that could lead to injury, illness or death or to loss of or damage to my property.
Those risks may include but are not limited to slippery and/or uneven surfaces, rocks being dislodged, falling at edges of cliffs or drops or elsewhere, risks associated with creek crossings, submerged logs or rocks, shallow and/or cloudy water, strong currents, drowning, hypothermia and heat exhaustion.
To minimise these risks, I have endeavoured to ensure that:
This activity is within my capabilities and I am carrying sufficient water and equipment and wearing clothing and footwear appropriate to this activity.
I have disclosed if I am taking any medication or have any physical or other limitation that might affect my participation in the activity.
If I am taking medication or have any physical limitation, I do not believe that it will prevent me from successfully completing this activity.
I will make every effort to remain with the rest of the party during the activity and accept the instructions of the leader of the activity.
I agree that if I suffer injury or illness the My Outdoor Recreational Group representative may, at my own cost, arrange such medical treatment and/or emergency evacuation service, as it shall consider necessary for my safety.
I have read and understand these requirements; I have considered the risks before choosing to sign this Risk Waiver Form. I still wish to participate in this activity. I agree that on the day when signing this form to waive any claim for damages arising from this activity that I may have against the organisation, the leader or other participants in tort or contract.
Note: All participants are required to sign this waiver and acknowledgement of risks and obligations before participating in any activity run by My Outdoor Recreational Group. This group has a lower age limit of 18 years and an upper age limit of 75 years.