Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign
Thank you to our members, guests and fundriasing partners who contributed
to last year's Cancer Research Fundraising Campaign which raised $5.000.00. This financial year we have started another fundraising campaign which has currently raised $1,360.00 for this very worthwhile and important cause.
Please watch this page for any future campaign events.
All proceeds towards our fundraising campaigns go to Australian Cancer Research Foundation
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Trekfa Adventure
Ku-ring-gai Bushwalkers
Benowie Bushwalkers

The map below shows the path of the Great Southern Hemisphere Trek. The trek starts from the Quay and journeys through the many shoreline bushland corridors, parklands and reserves before eventually finishing at Greenwich Point Wharf overlooking Cockatoo Island.
Our journey passes some twenty locations of interest including heritage, historical and cultural sites.
Trek maps and notes covering the walk and the special points of interest information will be made available to all registered participants prior to the event.
For your convenience there are three rest rooms located along the path of our journey. Plus rest rooms at Kissing Point Park,

'With Your Help..... Cancer May One Day Be Beaten'
Join our fight against cancer!